The Editorial Team Present at PARC 24

One of the DBS strategic objectives is “to create graduates who have the skills, knowledge and attributes… such that they can successfully progress to employment or further education” (DBS, 2021). The DBS Applied Research and Theory Journal took a proactive approach to meeting this goal by involving students in the journal. This presentation covers the triangulated approach used to involve students in order to develop skills which transfer beyond an academic environment (Huang and Chang, 2004). This includes accommodating work experience and having students manage various journal events. The journal team used the characteristics of active learning theory to manage these initiatives. These include getting students to:

  • Actively participate
  • Use own their initiative
  • Work with others
  • Discover own way of completing tasks (Lorenzen 2001, Ni Uigin 2014)

This project produced three preliminary findings; firstly we found the journal team should consider the creation of learner objectives for similar projects (Weiner & Watkinson 2014). We also found these schemes allowed us to develop an authentic learning experience with students (Kahn & O’Rourke, in Barrett et al, 2005). Finally, we found that other areas of the organisation have introduced similar schemes and more collaboration across areas would be beneficial.


DBS (2021). DBS Strategic Plan 2021-25: We build futures one success story at a time. Available at

Huang, Y. R., and Chang, SE. (2004)."Academic and Cocurricular Involvement: Their Relationship and the Best Combinations for Student Growth." Journal of College Student Development, vol. 45 no. 4, 2004, p. 391-406. Project MUSE,

Kahn, P., & O’Rourke, K. (2005). Understanding Enquiry-Based Learning. In T. Barrett, I. Mac Labhrainn, & H. Fallon (Eds.), Handbook of Enquiry & Problem Based Learning (pp. 1-12). Galway: CELT.

Lorenzen, M. (2001). Active Learning and Library Instruction.Illinois Libraries 83(2) p. 19-24.

Ni Uigin, D. (2004). The Benefits of Student-led, Peer-reviewed Journals in Enhancing Students’ Engagement with the Academy. Mural Maynooth University Library.  Available at

Weiner, SA, Watkinson, C. (2014). What do Students Learn from Participation in an Undergraduate Research Journal? Results of an Assessment. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 2(2):eP1125.